I'm Navaneeth Mohan

how to pronounce my name

I'm a software developer at Quality Positioning Services, a Dutch company that specializes in maritime software solutions. I build hydrographic software to help scientists and researchers understand the sea bed. I'm passionate about open-source algorithms and scientific softwares that breathe life into real-world data.

COVID and Poverty in Toronto
An interactive map of COVID cases vs average income across Toronto neighbourhoods.
Sunshine List of Ontario University & Colleges
A dashboard to visualize trends in the annual Sunshine list across Ontario's Universities and Colleges.
Flocking Behavior
An interactive tool to visualize emergent behavior of flocking
A Debian daemon for recieving real-time updates from RCS Zetta with persistent storage and web-server
A Preliminary Analysis of Toronto's COVID cases
A draft for Canadian Association of Journalists on COVID prevalence among minority groups
Monte Carlo approximation of π
Estimating the value of π using Monte-Carlo Simulations
A Data-Dig of London's Music Scene
Visualizing London, Ontario's music scene using data collected from the Spotify API.
Near real-time visualization of SARS-CoV-2 (hCoV-19) genomic variation with GISAID data
A MacOS daemon for encoding input audio as MP3 or AAC stream to an IceCast server
Game of Life
An interactive web-interface for the classic Conway's Game of Life
A MacOS daemon for recieving real-time alerts. Compliant with Common Alerting Protocol (Canadian Profile).
Sorting Algorithms
Sorting algorithms visualized
Vaccine Exemptions in Toronto Schools
A scatter plot of the number of vaccine exemptions in Toronto's public schools in the backdrop of COVID cases per neighbourhood.